Before your arrival

Student Service Centre and Registrar’s Office (TIK) 

1121 Budapest, Zugligeti street 9-25.
MASTER bulidng M_007 office
BA/MA programmes:
+36 70 684 7121
English MA programmes:
Erasmus incoming students:
Opening hours:
Monday, Wednesday: 9:30-11:30, 13:00-15:00
Friday: 9:00-11:30, 12:30-14:00

If you apply to our programmes from a country outside the EEA/EU, you may need to apply for a Study Visa to enter Hungary. 

Upon successful admission to the selected programme, we will provide you with a letter of acceptance which you can use for your visa application. You will also receive a certificate of enrolment once you have completed the registration process at the beginning of the semester. 

Please find below information on the student visa application process:
To find out whether you need a visa to enter Hungary, please check:
Students from 3rd countries  must also apply for a Residence permit for study purposes upon arrival in Hungary. 

Students should arrange for appropriate health insurance in their home country. Those with chronic illnesses should check whether they are also covered by health insurance. Students taking any medication regularly should make sure that they will have access to it during their stay in Hungary. It is not possible to receive medication via post from your home country as it can get held up at customs due to the difference between regulations of the EU and non-EU countries.
Making these arrangements  in your home country will almost certainly be less expensive than making them here in Hungary.

Please make sure to check before signing up with one the number of  health centres they are contracted with in Hungary/Budapest and the range of services included.

Currently in Hungary the following insurance company offers individual student health insurance plans: Generali
You can contact their English speaking customer service for getting a quote at : +36 30 211 2770 or contact them by filling in their online information request form.

You can find below a list of private health centres which may be useful when searching for an insurance provider:

Talk to your MOBILE NETWORK provider! 

Look for the best DEAL at your current provider for your needs throughout your stay here in Hungary/Europe.

You may as well bring a PHONE with you and purchase a SIM card here to get extra data. Make sure though that your phone is unlocked!

Potential local prepaid SIM card deals:


Planning your budget is an important part of your preparations before moving to Hungary. The information below will give you a rough idea about the cost of living in Budapest.

Breakfast: coffee (average:HUF 300-1000) and a pastry = average HUF 1,000 (EUR 3-5). FYI: Starbucks and Costa Coffee are the most expensive options (prices can go as high as HUF 1,500 for a coffee), but there are several little independent coffee shops in Budapest. Hot lunch menu at the University Canteen (2 courses): from HUF 1,300 (EUR 4-5) (typical student places) up to HUF 2,500 (EUR 7-8) depending on where you eat. Dinner: A pizza for example in a cheaper restaurant would be around HUF 2,500 (EUR 8). 

A useful guide for those on a tighter budget: 

Check out this link for a  good estimate of prices in Hungary: Cost of Living in Budapest. Apr 2022. Prices in Budapest (

Students who are not eligible to apply for a dormitory room or prefer to arrange their own boarding can use our Housing Guide booklet which contains suggestions and recommendations on how to find accommodation in Budapest.

Please note that MOME does not take responsibility for any privately arranged accommodation or the content of the Housing Guide booklet.